The Gateway

Dear artist,

You are amongst the Creative Ones / The highly Sensitive Ones

The brave Ones who choose art as a means of a greater message and healing. You are amongst them who speak their truth, who feel deeply. Who are committed to authenticity, love and harmony in a world where it might be crazy to do so.

You have acces to visionary creativity.

You are meant to be a lighthouse of leadership in this world.

You are an inspiration for many.

Where do YOU go to play?

The Gateway is a community of kindred spirits. A journey into the abyss of our human experience, both the symbolic and the grounded.

We gather to heal, find strength, support and create beyond conditioning. What is the truth that wants to be expressed through you?

We gather so we can step into our role as creative visionaries, who hold the torches to a more harmonious human kind.

We dance, sing, draw, connect to our bodies, swim the sea of healing through dance and movement, art therapy, nervous system health, sharing, ritual.

Welcome to the playground you have been craving for.

Welcome to The Gateway.

You are here because...

You are highly sensitive

The state of today's world drives you mad. What is normal to most is violent, bonkers and disconnection to you. Your sensitivity is the catalyst into your power as a lighthouse of change. Together we find that fuel.

You are devoted to authentic expression

It is not sales that drive you. The truth of you message does. Yet, you feel you are tiptoeing on the edge of your creative genius. There is way more in you. In this intimate gathering you learn, connect, and expand your limits of expression and creativity through the power of embodiment and ritual.

You are ready for your sacred playground

Confidentiality is extremely important for you. The worldview you have is rare and profound. The playgrounds for that caliber of creator are extremely limited. Having support of kindred spirits is all the more crucial. It is time to gather. It is time to come home.

The 2023 Gateway journey we have curated for you

The Gateway opens

We start with an enticing 3 day retreat

You are welcomed on the enchanting property of the castle of Heerlijckhyt Van Elsmeren and its gorgeous nature. We take full care of you through lush food, beautiful rooms, expert guidance. You are here to focus on you and the elevation of your art, message and creative expansion.

Heerlijckhyt Van Elsmeren, Belgium.

April 5th to April 7th, 2023

The Elevation Continues

The power of the retreat cannot and shall not evaporate in daily life.

The community stays closely connected so you are supremely supported in the integration of your creative genius into your daily life for the coming six months.


Monthly Portal Call with the community

You cells are reminded of the power of embodiment and ritual through our expert guidance.


Every 1st wednesday of the month from May to October

Bespoke support by Femke & The community

We stay closely connected. If any question, suggestion, reason to celebrate pops up, you share this in our an online platform. Tribe is crucial in these times.

Every group is carefully curated. Click the button above and book a call with Femke to discuss your presence on the next retreat.

Due to the public nature of the members of The Gateway everything is 100% confidential.

Our Method to the Madness


Together, we move beyond space and time. We share sharing circles, meditation, connection to nature and ancestors. Only the profound connection between all that is alive remembers us to who we truly are.


Our Mind repeats the past. Through connection with our bodily sensations and our bodies, we come back to the nature of who we truly are. Underneath the trauma, underneath the conditioning.

The guidance of The Gateway holds expertise in movement therapy, mind-body connection, nervous system regulation, Laban, Authentic movement, Feldenkrais, Fascia.

You will experience a profound sense of homecoming in yourself, healing, insights and connection to the natural flow of life.


Visionary art is created through the gateway of the subconscious.

All artists have parts they are not expressing.

Through art therapy, voice work, drawing, drama, poetry we dive into the symbolism of your spirit and come back with freedom and art work you had no idea were possible.

Mindblowing album covers, poetry, manifestos, songlyrics, paintings were born here.


The magic of support by kindred spirits and collective creation holds no limits.

The Gathering is a 1% community. Not many live on the intersection of art, social change and freedom.

Those who do, need tribe.

You will be supported, held, encouraged, inspired and celebrated to express freely.

Femke as Your Guide

Avatar of Humaness born on the Grounds of Belgium, Europe.

A Being, heartfelt, comitted to learning about how we can return to harmony as humans.

I ferociously studied International Politics, Movement and Dance Therapy, Singing, Laban, Authentic Movement, link between mind and body, Feldenkrais. I was initiated as a Spiritual Priestess.

I rekindle spaces of ritual.

The disciplines of writing, singing, dancing, art therapy, movement therapy, nervous system health constitute the elixir in which I transmit support, care and beauty for the creative forces.

I have journeyed in my life - through physical, spiritual and mental planes. I died many times. Everything I teach is in my own cells. I do not lead where I have not gone myself.

I don't care throwing out references. What are they but a vanity matrix? You know if you feel the pull. If you do, I cannot wait to meet you.

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